One North LaSalle, Suite 1000 • Chicago, IL 60602


Was There An Error in Your Police Report After a Car Accident?

Let’s face it, we all make mistakes. But even the most innocent mistake on an accident report can have serious consequences for your legal remedies. If you notice that your police report listed the wrong color for your vehicle, or that they did not record your contact information down correctly, simply call the investigating agency and request that this factual information be changed. Usually just showing them a copy of your license and registration can solve this problem.  It is more difficult, however, to correct the way that the responding officer wrote down how your accident occurred.  This information is often disputed by you or the other driver, and police officers are less willing to change this part of their report.  In this situation it may be best to write down your version of events in an accurate and honest narrative of how the accident happened, especially if the police never took down your statement to begin with.  Even if a police officer declines to change his or her report, give them your separate written statement to include in their investigation, and always keep a copy for your records.  Remember, there is only a limited amount of time after your accident to change a police report or to include your separate statement. For more information about reporting your auto accident call or stop by the office of Goldstein Bender & Romanoff, where we offer free consultations and information about your legal rights after you’ve been involved in an automobile collision.

— Scott M. Duxbury