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Injuries, insurance and ride-sharing companies

On March 24, 2017, an Uber self-driving SUV was involved in a car accident leaving the Uber vehicle turned on its side. According to police, there was a person behind the wheel of the Uber, but it remains unclear whether that person was in control of the Uber vehicle. According to Uber, additional details of the accident will soon be disclosed.

Whether due to self-driving or not, if you are a victim of an accident involving a ride-sharing company you may be entitled to compensation. Ride-sharing companies like Uber classify their drivers as independent contractors. Accordingly, it is likely you will have to seek compensation from the driver’s insurance rather than Uber itself. But the question remains: do they have enough insurance coverage?

As of now, Uber is required to maintain a 1 million dollar insurance policy that will provide coverage in certain situations. According to its website, Uber drivers are insured when they are en route to pick up a passenger or while driving a passenger to their destination. The policy will also cover passengers injured by an Uber driver’s negligent driving.


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